Wednesday, December 28, 2011

new Kontakt patch Tam Scapes

Tam Scapes
Kontakt 4 - 91 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 1 nki - Price: 5.50 €
3 samples compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format

This patch uses 3 long soundscapes produced by processing and mixing various Tam Tam (Gong) samples from my soundset Alchemistry Metallurgy. Treated with an array of apps and effects these 3 scapes are split across the keyboard and 3 playing modes are selectable with keyswitches.

Soundscape Moaning Dungeon Scape (untuned)
root note C1 - mapped from C0 - B1
Soundscape Moaning Tam Tam processed 01 (tuned)
root note A#2 - mapped from C2 - C4
Soundscape Mist and Rain (tuned)
root note F5 - mapped from C4 - C7

Keyswitch A-1 (default) - triggers the samples in normal sampler mode, the Modwheel controls the sample start point (50%).
Keyswitch A#-1 - triggers the samples in Time Machine 2 mode, the Modwheel controls the sample start point. Time Machine is set to Legato so playing overlapping notes will mot retrigger the sample from the beginning.
Keyswitch B-1 - triggers the samples in Tone Machine mode, the Modwheel controls the sample start point, a slow LFO modulates the formant shifting. Tone Machine is set to Legato so playing overlapping notes will mot retrigger the sample from the beginning.

Midi Script
A modified Midi Controller script from the factory Library gives you control over:
Knob 1 - Release time (all samples)
Knob 2 - Lowpass Cutoff Frequency (all samples)
Knob 3 - Sample speed of Group 2 (Time Machine 2 mode)
Knob 4 - Sample speed of Group 3 (Tone Machine)
Knob 5 - Smoothness of the Tone Machine sound, turning the knob to the very left adds more "edge"
Knob 6 - Amount of stereo delay

Product page

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Soundset ChromaZone for Chromaphone released on patchpool

This soundset contains 100 original patches and 22 variations for Chromaphone by AAS. I focussed on emulations of known and und unknown instruments like mallets, bells, chimes, plucked strings, keyboards, hybrid strangers and percussive sounds as well as experimental patches, lush pads, dark drones, beautiful textures, funky synths and funny noises.
As soon as AAS updates Chromaphone to add Pitchbend, Microtuning, Aftertouch and whatever else I will add these controls to the patches and all customers will receive a free update of ChromaZone.

Combining materials like metal, skin and wood with elements like air and articulations like beating, plucking and bowing can create physically modelled instruments that are hard to describe with words. Although they might sound familiar due totheir "organic" nature, words sometimes fail to describe what they "really are" and how they actually sound. Quite a few of these hybrid strangers are included in ChromaZone.
Chromaphone is advertised as a percussion synthesizer which in my opinion only covers a smaller aspect of it's virtues. Physical modeling has been rivaling with conventional sampling for years in terms of emulating "realism". The creation of sonic "surrealism" based on organic sounding materials is a far more powerful aspect of this technology and Chromaphone in particular.

You can view/download the PDF for ChromaZone with more details, the licence agreement and the patch list including playing tips and descriptions for each patch here.

Price: 18 €
Delivery: Email

Product page with demos

Monday, December 12, 2011

Soundset Alchemistry Metallurgy released on patchpool

The soundset Alchemistry Metallurgy for Alchemy is the first in a series focussing on specific materials and single instruments. The set contains 57 patches with 8 variations each in the Remix Pad and focusses on metallic sounds derived from real instruments, metal objects and industrial field recordings. This patch collection keeps the balance between real sounding metal instruments, otherworldly textures and wondrous soundscapes using also some processed electronic derivates of the sampled materials.
All sounds are sample-based, some patches use the resynthesis features in Alchemy.
You will find many patches and snapshots which sound wam, delicate and beautiful, characteristics one may not normally associate with metallic sounds.

Alchemistry Metallurgy Specs:

1.81 GB of original samples - source material:

China Cymbal bowed, scraped and beaten - multisampled and Round Robin

Glockenspiel multisampled
23 semitones (C4-A#5), 4x RR, 2 velocity layers (179 samples/386,7 MB)

2 microtonal handheld Bell Trees 8x Round Robin, 2 articulations, +textures
2 Thai Gongs multisampled + 8x Round Robin, 4 velocity layers, +texures
Thai Ching Bells - 6x Round Robin, 3 velocity layers
Tam Tam 45 cm - beaten (7xRound Robin/4 velocities), scraped and rubbed

Various multisampled metal objects:
Caviar Cans, Metal Bowl, Coins, Dumbbell plate, Small Thunder Sheet
Metal Plate (dinner tray), Anvil

Industrial metal sounds recorded in factories

All samples recorded with 3 Neumann microphones in L-C-R - 48 Khz/24 Bit
U87 center mic - a stereo set of KM 184 for L-R
The industrial field recordings were done with 2 shotgun mics - Sennheiser MK 70

57 patches with 8 variations each

You can view/download the PDF for Metallurgy with more details, the licence agreement, some pics and the patch list including playing tips and description for each patch here.

Delivery: Download
Library size in total: 1.82 GB
Download size (RAR archive in 2 parts): 1.04 GB

NOTE: This Sound Bank requires the full version of Alchemy.
It does not work with the Alchemy player version.

Price: 25 €

Product page

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Coming soon on patchpool: Soundset ChromaZone for Chromaphone

This soundset will contain +100 patches for Chromaphone by AAS. I'll focus on slightly odd emulations of real instruments like mallets, bells, plucked strings and tines, hybrid strangers and percussive material as well as experimental patches, soundscapes and noises. In case AAS updates Chromaphone to add Pitchbend, Microtuning and Aftertouch until the release I will make use of these features. If not then I will add these controls to the patches once the update has taken place and all customers will receive a free update of Chromazone.

Release date: Around Xmas
Delivery: Email
Price: 15.95 €

You can pre-order Chromazone now for 12.50 € and save +20%

Product page

Monday, November 21, 2011

Black Friday Special

More than 50% of my patchpool customers come from the US, so here is little Black Friday Sale.

Until Friday Novembre 25 several patchpool items are discounted:


Alchemistry Beyond - 49.95 € - Discount price: 40 €


Sound Bank Zebra2 1st Encounter - 14.95 € - Discount price: 11 €

u-he bundle (all 3 Banks for u-he Plug-Ins) - 24.95 € - Discount price: 20 €


Glitchmania for Stutter Edit - 15.95 € - Discount price: 12 €


Eternity for Metaphysical Function - 19.95 € - Discount price: 15 €

Spectral Territory for Razor - 15.95 € - Discount price: 12 €

Evil Things for Reichatron - 18.95 € - Discount price: 14 €

Reaktor bundle (all 3 Banks for Reaktor) - 44 € - Discount price: 35 €


Sound Bank Best of Vol. 1 - 15.95 € - Discount price: 12 €


10 Patch Bundle

Choose 10 items from the various categories - 27.95 € - Discount price: 20 €

Black Friday page

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Coming soon on patchpool: Sound Bank Alchemistry Metallurgy

After producing 2 full Alchemy Banks with +100 patches each I will offer something on a smaller scale for my third Alchamy Sound Bank which will be the first in a series focussing on specific materials. Metallurgy will contain about 50 patches with 8 variations each in the Remix Pad and focus on metals sounds derived from real instruments, metal objects and industrial field recordings. I want to keep the Balance between real sounding metal instruments and otherworldly textures and Soundscapes using also processed derivates of the sampled materials. Most sounds will be sample-based, of course also using the resynthesis features of Alchemy.

Metallurgy Specs:
About 1 GB of original sample - source material:
China Cymbal bowed, scraped and beaten - multisampled and Round Robin
Glockenspiel multisampled 24 semitones, 4x RR, 2 velocity layers(192 samples)
Chromatic Asian Gongs multisampled + Round Robin, 3-4 velocity layers
Various metal objects
Industrial metal sounds recorded in factories
Steel Strings

About 50 patches with 8 variations each

Patch list (PDF) with a detailed description and paying tips for each patch

Release date: around Decembre 10
Delivery: Download
Price 20 €

NOTE: This Sound Bank requires the full version of Alchemy.
It does not work with the Alchemy player version.

You can pre-order Alchemistry Metallurgy now for 16 € and save 20%
Product page

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Kontakt 5 item Spacious Land

Spacious Land
Kontakt 5 - 280,4 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 2 nkis/Instruments
7 samples/soundscapes compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format

7 long cinematic Soundscapes and Drones from my patchpool compilation of single-wavs made available for Kontakt 5.

There are 2 nkis:

3 Scapes split
Divine Cello Drone (1:58) mapped from C0 - C2
Dimensional Drift (2:21) mapped from C#2 - C4
Rising Space (2:36) mapped from C# - C6

4 Scapes split
Behind the Curtain (3:22) mapped from C-1 - C1
Meditational Scape (2:28) mapped from C#1 - C3
Endless Scape (4:12) mapped from C# - C5
Elevation (4:03) mapped from C#5 - C7

All samples are looped using smooth crossfade looping. The Modwheel controls the sample start point (75% maximum) so that you can play different segments of each Soundscape.

There are 4 keyswitchable Groups available:
Group 1 - keyswitch C-2 (default) without Filtering
Group 2 - keyswitch D-2 with a LFO-controlled Notch Filter
Group 3 - with a LFO-controlled Formant 2 Filter
Group 4 - with a LFO-controlled Phaser

A modified Midi Script from the Factory Library gives you control over:
Knob 1 - Resonance for Notch and Formant Filter (Group 2+3)
Knob 2 - Resonance for Phasing (Group 4)
Knob 3 - EQ Low Gain - flat = middle position (64)
Knob 4 - EQ High Gain - flat = middle position (64)
Knob 5 - Amount of Stereo Delay
Knob 6 - Stereo Spread - normal Stereo - > middle position (64), 0 = mono

Product Page

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kontakt Library Chainland released on patchpool


Kontakt 4 - 274,7 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 8 nkis/Instruments
51 Samples compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format - 1 Impulse Responses (wav)
Price: 12.95 €

For this Library I multisampled 2 metal chains in different sizes with 3 Neumann Microphones in L-C-R stereo. I tried all sorts of different articulations like rustling, shaking in different densities, dropping them on the floor, picking them up from the floor, hitting other objects with them and so forth. A lot of the samples were also processed with an array of Plug-Ins to create otherworldly textures. Comb Filters were also applied to transform the chain samples into sounds with a more distinct pitch. There are 8 nkis/Instrument available in this Library, each one has a different script supplying you with plenty of controls for tweaking and layering the sounds. Each Instrument uses a long Impulse Response I made with VRoom in the Convolution engine. This can be very CPU intense depending on your computer specs, if it is just switch off the Reverb and use an external one.

Scripting by Mario Krušelj (a.k.a. EvilDragon)

Product page with demos, screenshots and details about each patch/Instrument.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Kontakt patch: Kalimba Cloud Scape

Kalimba Cloud Scape
Kontakt 4 - 68,9 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 1 nki/Instrument - Price: 5.50 €
10 samples compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format - 1 Impulse Response (wav)

This patch uses 9 processed Kalimba samples stretched to the extreme with Paulstretch so that each note is up to 50 seconds long. Different notes were sampled at different velocities and then mapped across the keyboard (see screenshot below). In the lower ranges between C-1 and C1 another sample is layered on top of the lowest Kalimba notes, a strange drone made from processed metal screws. All samples are looped using smooth crossfade looping.

The Modwheel controls the start point of the samples. Moving the Modwheel while playing different notes yields very expressive results, so this patch can be anything from a spacey padlike soundscape to a more percussive kalimba-like instrument.

A modified Midi Script from the Factory Library gives you control over:
*Lowpass Filter Cutoff
*Attack Time
*Amount of Convolution Reverb, an Impulse Response I made with VRoom and Aether is active in the Convolution Engine
*Amount of Stereo Delay
*Amount of Phasing
*Phasing Speed

Product page

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What's coming next on patchpool?

Besides numerous Kontakt patches which have to be finished (I'm looking for a new Kontakt scripter btw) I'll start working on a new Bank for Zebra. Also I will make several smaller Banks for Alchemy, not these huge sets like my first 2 Alchemistry Banks which take months to produce and require bigger financial investments for studio musicians and buying/hiring instruments. No, things on a smaller scale, less expensive too - maybe 40 patches per Bank (with 8 variations each) focussed on special materials and instruments. I think the first one will be about Ceramics, ceramic materials of all sorts samples and transformed into playable instruments, Soundscapes, sequences, percussive instruments, abstract textures...I'll just go into a second hand shop (there are hundreds of them here in Berlin) and buy all good sounding ceramics I can find, if they sound less interesting, I'll buy them anyway and smash them to get some interesting percussive sounds.
More info soon...


Friday, October 21, 2011

New Kontakt patch: Metal Thunder

Metal Thunder
Kontakt 4 - 30,4 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 1 nki/Instrument - Price: 4 €
10 samples (wav) - 1 Impulse Response (wav)

10 keyswitchable samples produced with a metal thunder sheet I found hanging in a sculpture park in Dresden/Germany.

Each sample has it's dedicated Group, switch between the Groups with the keyswitches located from C0-A0. The samples are mapped from C1-G8.

There is a modified Factory Midi script with 7 control knobs giving you control for Saturation, Lowpass Filter Cutoff, Low EQ, High EQ, Stereo width (if that knob is turned all the way to the left the samples play in mono), Convolution wet amount and StereoDelay wet amount. Pressing the sustain pedal will reverse each sample.
The Impulse Response active in the Convolution Reverb is one of the thunder sheets, so the Reverb stays inside the family sort of.
You can easily automate the knobs in your DAW, they are pre-assigned and ready to roll.

A Limiter is active at the end of the effect chain to avoid clipping when using high amounts of Saturation/Convolution/EQ, but as Kontakt's Limiter is no the best on this planet I would advise you to bypass it and use a good external one.

Product page

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sound Bank TripleX for ElectraX released on patchpool

Sound Bank TripleX for ElectraX:
This Bank contains 102 patches with 30 variations for the Synthesizer ElectraX by Tone2.
There are 6 sound categories with Pads&Synths, Sequences, Soundscapes, Sci-Fi Textures, Instruments and Percussion (chromatic and achromatic) suitable for a wide range of musical styles. Many sounds are sample based utilizing samples especially produced for this Bank, also making use of a split-stereo workaround so that there are true stereo samples involved. You'll find sampled Saxophones, Flutes, Kalimba, electronic and vocal textures and lots more, often modulating VA Oscillators with those samples via FM, a unique ElectraX feature yielding very interesting results. Quite a few resynthed waveforms are incorporated as well expanding the sonic palette even more. The unique Fractal Oscillators and Filters in ElectraX are used extensively creating dense and fascinating electronic textures. Up to 4 layers per patch make many of these patches sound TripleX, quite a few patches were programmed in split mode, distributing different sounds over the entire keyboard range. All patches have the Modwheel assigned and often use Aftertouch for additional sound sculpturing so it is advisable to use a keyboard with 88 keys and Aftertouch to make the best out of this Bank.
The download folder includes the original sample content as well, mainly split stereo and mono samples so that you will be able to use these in other samplers or inside your DAW.
You can read/download the pdf-file with further instructions, more details, the licence agreement and a patchlist here.
Library Size: 162.8 MB (patches) - 195 MB (extra samples)
Download size: 283.5 MB

Price: 29 €

Product page

Friday, October 14, 2011

New Kontakt patch: Space Sines

Space Sines
Kontakt 4 - 53,8 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 2 nkis - Price: 5.50 €
13 samples compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format - 2 Impulse Responses (wav)

Patch Space Sines
This patch uses 10 electronic textures produced with a modified Reaktor Ensemble (created by Rick Scott) and various FX Plug-Ins.

Keyswitches and Mapping:
Select the 10 different samples using the keyswitches located from C0-A#0, keyswitch A#0 will play all 10 samples simultaneously. The sample currently selected will be displayed in the GUI, all samples are mapped from C1-B7. The QHI switch let's you select between 3 interpolation modes, HQI mode "Perfect" can be very CPU intensive when extremely transposing the samples.

There is an Envelope section with Attack and Release time control.
Pulse-shaped pitch modulation can be added with controls for Speed and Depth and a slider for the Pulsewidth of the pulse wave. You can also modulate the Pulsewidth with a second LFO on the right of the GUI, conrols for Speed and Depth are availble here as well.

FX Section
There is bypassable Stereo Delay with 4 control knpbs for Time, Dampoing, Feedback and Wet amount and you willl find a bypassable Convolution Reverb using 2 strange Impulse Responses which you can select by clicking into the IR Tab. The Convolution Engine has full control over Predelay, IR Size, High- and Lowpass, Wet amount and a Reverse switch.

Patch Space Sine Clouds Split
This patch uses 3 more dense electronic textures which are aplit across the keyboard. You'll find 2 Layers, Layer on running in Sampler mode and Layer 2 in Time Machine 2 mode.
Each sample plays over 2 octaves starting at C0.

You can change the sample start points with the Modwheel or the slider on the left of the GUI.
Each Layer has a Volume knob and two knobs for Attack and Release. Layer 2 also has a control for Sample Speed . There are two bypassable Filters for each Layer, Lowpass and Highpass with controls for Cutoff and Emphasis/Resonance. You can apply LFO-modulation to each Filter seperately selecting the wave of the LFO and using two knobs for Speed and Modulation Depth.

FX Section:
There is a bypassable Stereo Delay with 4 controls for Time, Damping, Feedback and Wet amount.

Scripting by Mario Krušelj (a.k.a. EvilDragon)

Product Page

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Golden Octobre on patchpool

During Octobre many patchpool items will be available at a discount of 25%.

Sound and Preset Banks


Sound Bank Zebra2 1st Encounter - 14.95 € - Discount price: 11.21 €

MFM2 Beat Twista - 9.95 € - Discount price: 7.46 €

Edgy Scapes for Filterscape - 9.95 € - Discount price: 7.46 €

u-he bundle (all 3 Banks for u-he Plug-Ins) - 24.95 € - Discount price: 18.71 €


Glitchmania for Stutter Edit - 15.95 € - Discount price: 11.96 €


Eternity for Metaphysical Function - 19.95 € - Discount price: 14.96 €

Spectral Territory for Razor - 15.95 € - Discount price: 11.96 €

Evil Things for Reichatron - 18.95 € - Discount price: 14.21 €

Reaktor bundle (all 3 Banks for Reaktor) - 44 € - Discount price: 33 €


Sound Bank Best of Vol. 1 - 15.95 € - Discount price: 11.96 €


10 Patch Bundle

Choose 10 items from the various categories - 24.95 € - Discount price: 18.71 €

SoundPacks and single-wavs

Select 4 SoundPacks from the various categories for 21 €

Select 10 single-wavs for 15 €

Here is the Golden Octobre overview page

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Coming soon on patchpool: TripleX for ElectraX

Sound Bank TripleX for ElectraX:
This Bank will contain +100 patches for ElectraX by Tone2. I will focus on the 4 main categories Pads, Sequences, Soundscapes and percussive sounds. About half of the sounds will be sample based, using samples especially produced for this Bank. Lot's of resynthed waveforms will be used as well and I'm determined to coax sounds out of this complex synth which I haven't heard myself before. The unique Fractal Oscillators and Filters in ElectraX will be used extensively to create dense and fascinating electronic textures. Up to 4 layers per patch will make many of these patches sound TripleX.

Release date is planned around Octobre 20, the final price will be 29 €, you can pre-order this Bank now for 23 € and save +20%.

Product page

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sound Bank Reichatron Evil Things released on patchpool

Evil Things for Reichatron

This Bank for Reichatron, a Reaktor ensemble created by Matt Mower focusses on dark and evil soundscapes, noises, impacts, sci-fi textures, drones and otherworldy ambiences. The sample map includes 1,37 GB of original samples produced at 48 Khz/24 Bit. There are 55 soundscapes and samples made with an array of virtual instruments and effects, also using vocal recordings and processed field recordings. The Snapshot Bank has 69 Snaps, 64 originals and 5 variations marked with (var).
This Bank is delivered in a RAR-archive split up into two parts for better download handling, the download size is 854,22 MB. You can read/view the pdf-file with further instructions, the licence agreement and a patchlist here.

Price (paypal): 18.95 €

Product page

new Kontakt patch: Female Portato Vox RR6

Female Portato Vox RR6
Kontakt 4 - 17,1 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 1 nki/Instrument - Price 5 €
72 samples (wav) - 3 Impulse Responses (wav)

This patch uses female vocal samples portato style which I recorded and produced with a professional vocalist for my Sound Bank Alchemistry Beyond. For this Instrument I cut up those samples into 72 single accents, 6 alternations per note (Round Robin), multisampled from D#2 - C#4, the lowest and highest samples have been extended to give you a playable range from C2-C5.

*There is a full envelope section with 4 control knobs for ADSR
*The Lowpassfilter has 2 knobs for Cutoff and Emphasis/Resonance
*The Velocity section lets you assign the velocity to the sample start point, the harder you play the further the sample start point will move to the right.
You can also assign velocity to the Filter Cutoff, in this case turn the Filter Cutoff down so that the velocity assignment becomes active/audible. There is another control for the amount of velocity applied to the amplitude.
*The Modwheel adds vibrato

FX section
In the lower part of the GUI you'll find an Equalizer with a bypass switch with 2 controls for Low and High Band, and a Convolution Reverb with a bypass switch with 3 controls for Dry - Wet amount and Size, You can choose between 3 Impulse Responses by clicking into the area above the size knob.

Time Machine Mode
There is a switch for Time Machine mode with a control knob for speed control, enabling that will also activate a slider for the Sample Start Point, I suggest to assign a Midi Controller to that slider by right clicking onto it. Stretch the samples to their extremes for otherworldy textures or freeze them with Speed set to 0% and then scroll through the sample with the sample start slider.

Scripting by Mario Krušelj (a.k.a. EvilDragon)

Product Page

Monday, September 5, 2011

new Kontakt patch: Convoluted Scape

Convoluted Scape
Kontakt 4 - 133,4 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 2 nkis/Instruments - 6 samples compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format

>6 long samples I created by convoluting electronic textures with vocal and violin samples, using the electronic sounds as sources and the acoustic sounds as Impulse Responses, multisampled from C#1 - E5.

Instrument Convoluted Scape


There is a Filter Section with Cutoff, Emphasis (Resonance), LFO-modulation amount and modulation speed for the Lowpass Filter

The Envelope section lets you control Attack and Release time

The Convolution Reverb section lets you choose between two Impulse Responses and gives you control over Size a well as Dry and Wet amount. There is also a bypass switch for the Convolution engine

The Modwheel controls the sample start point, turned fully up it moves the sample start by 85%.

Tip: While playing move the Modwheel before hitting the next key to determine a different start point for each note you play. Smoothen the Attack time to taste.

Instrument Convoluted Scape TM
This patch variation uses the samples in Kontakt's Tone Machine mode which can sound like a vocoder. In addition to the controls already mentioned, there is a Tone Machine section with a knob for sample speed and the amount/direction of LFO-controlled Formant modulation.

Scripting by Mario Krušelj (a.k.a. EvilDragon)

Product page

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Charity Group Buy for SoundPacks and LoopPacks

Charity Group Buy for SoundPacks and LoopPacks until Septembre 30

patchpool is contributing 50% (post paypal) of the funds raised through this Group Buy to this charity campaign on KVR, launched by sounddesigner Luftrum. All funds rasied will either be donated to the organisation Save the Chldren or UNICEF, you can cast your vote in this KVR thread here until Monday.

Join the Group Buy for € 21, get 3 SoundPacks straight away and receive more items as the number of participants increases. You can freely choose from the 15 Sound Packs and 2 Loop Packs listed below.

Once you join the group buy you will receive a confirmation email to the address you provided to paypal. Just respond to that mail and tell me which 3 Packs you would like to have, you will then receive your download links. Once the camoaign is over, choose your additional items.

I will be processing your orders manually so please allow me a few hours to respond to your order.

Group Buy page on patchpool

Saturday, September 3, 2011

new Kontakt patch: Evoluted Space Pad

Evoluted Space Pad
Kontakt 4 - 144,8 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 1 nki - Price: 6.50 €
15 samples compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format

This patch combines two multisampled beautiful pad sounds I produced for my Sound Bank Alchemistry Beyond.

Each layer has it's designated control knobs for Attack, Release and Volume control. Each sound is also modulated with a LFO-driven Bandreject Filter, there are control knobs for modulation amount and modulation speed, turning up the LFO speed fully will create interesting ringmodulation-like effects

FX section
There is a Chorus and a Delay active in the FX section, bypass switches are available for both of them. The Chorus has 3 control knobs for Speed, Depth and Send amount. The Delay also has 3 control knobs for Time, Feedback and Send amount.

Scripting by Mario Krušelj (a.k.a. EvilDragon)

Note: All customers of Alchemistry Beyond can get this patch at a discount of 60% - just contact me directly and I'll provide you with my paypal adress.

Product page

Friday, September 2, 2011

new Kontakt patch: Liquid

Kontakt 4 - 92,3 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 1 nki - Price: 6 €
6 samples compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format

This patch uses 3 soundscapes (Filter Drops/Liquid Pad/Watersax) made with an array of softsynths, FX Plugs and some processed samples of my soprano sax playing. All 3 scapes have a reverbed counterpart, you can crossfade between the pairs with the Modwheel or the Dry/Wet-slider provided in the script. Switch between the sounds with keyswitches, the script lets you determine where the switches are located on the keyboard and in what range the sounds will play. You can reverse the sounds with the provided Reverse switch.
You can also determine the interpolation quality to reduce aliasing when playing extreme transpositions, if the HQI switch is set to "perfect" CPU usage is quite high.

More Controls:
*Envelope section with Attack and Release knobs
*Highpass Filter section with Cutoff, filter modulation (random LFO) and modulation speed
*EQ section with Frequency and Gain for Low and High Bands

Scripting by Mario Krušelj (a.k.a. EvilDragon)

Product page

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Coming soon: Reaktor Sound Bank Evil Things for Reichatron

I started working on a Bank for Reaktor's Reichatron, an ensemble build by Matt Mower. I'll focus on creating dark and evil soundscapes, noises, sci-fi textures and otherworldy ambiences as Halloween is around the corner...
The sample map will include +1 GB of original samples, about 30 longer Soundscapes made with an array of virtual instruments and effects also using processed field recordings. There will be about 60 Snapshots, release is planned for mid septembre, also waiting for the release of Reaktor 5.6.1 here.

The final price will be 17.95 €, you can pre-order this Bank nowfor 14.35 € and save 20%

Product page including a demo widget

Monday, August 22, 2011

SoundPack Violina released

I just released the SoundPack Violina:

587,1 MB unzipped - 274 violin samples/48 Khz/24 Bit/wav/stereo - Price: 24.95 €

Played by a professional female violinist, she has a beautiful tone, a very good instrument and a superb technique. Recorded using 3 top notch Neumann microphones in L-C-R, the Neumann U87 being the center Mic and a stereo set of KM-184 for the left and right side. Originally sampled for my Sound Bank Alchemistry Beyond

NOTE: Customers of Alchemistry Beyond don't need this Pack, they have all the samples and sfz-files already!

There are 15 folders, each one containing different articulations. Many folders include a sfz-file with mapped instruments, you can import those maps into any sampler that reads sfz-files.

Violin Arpeggios - 4 samples/sfz
Violin Col Legno - multisampled instrument 59 samples/sfz
Violin Flagolet Tremolo multisampled instrument 29 samples/sfz
Violin Flagolet Tremolo FX - 4 samples
Violin Flautato - multisampled instrument 5 samples sfz
Violin FX - 6 samples/sfz
Violin Glissando - 8 samples sfz
Violin Col Legno Loops - 14 samples sfz
Violin Long 4 Bows - multisampled instrument 43 samples sfz
Violin Long Dynamics - multisampled instrument 10 samples sfz
Violin Runs - 5 samples sfz
Violin Spiccato - multisampled instrument 48 samples sfz
Violin Staccato - 7 samples (loops/stabs) sfz
Violin Sul Pont - 10 samples
Violin Sul Pont Tremolo - multisampled instrument 22 samples sfz

Product Page

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Reaktor Sample Map Vocal Arts

Sample Map Vocal Arts - Sample Map for Reaktor 5.6
38 female voice samples (48 Khz/24 Bit) originally produced for my Sound Banks Alchemistry and Alchemistry Beyond
128.8 MB unzipped - price: 11.95 €

This sample map is a compilation of 38 female voice samples incoporating catlike sounds, processed and unprocessed sighs, gremlinlike material, gibberish, tremolos and glissandi.

NOTE: Customers of my Alchemistry Banks should not purchase this map as they already have the involved samples.

Demo using the Map in Reaktor's Lugubrioso Ensemble (by Rick Scott)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Now available on patchpool: Annual subscription for Kontakt patches

For 82 € you can now buy an annual subscription for all Kontakt items released on patchpool until now and during the duration of the subscription. Instead of buying single or bundled items this will give you a great discount as lots of stuff is going to be released during the next year. The price for this subscription will increase, the more items become available.

Product page

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

SoundPack Tokyo Tuna Auction

I finally found the time to prepare a SoundPack with samples recorded at a tuna auction in Tokyo some years ago. We went there at 4 o clock in the morning and experienced this strange ritual, huge tunas lying around and the chanting and yelling auctioneers sticking their fingers into the tunas to test their quality. At the end of each small auction there was this concert of bells.
The Pack contains 22 wavs recorded in 48 Khz/24 Bit - 328 MB unzipped. Price is 14.95 €
Product Page

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Alchemistry Beyond for Alchemy released on patchpool

I just released Alchemistry Beyond for Alchemy after more than 2 months of Alchemania:

This Sound Bank for Alchemy comprises a whole universe of unique and fascinating sounds. A violinist and a female vocalist were hired to record unique source material using top notch Neumann microphones, all samples were recorded in L-C-R in 48 Khz/24 Bit/stereo, many of those were processed with an array of FX-Plug-Ins to create unheard electronic textures. Multisampled violin and vocal patches featuring conventional and unusal articulations create evocative, cinematic, dark and touching atmospheres as well as beautiful pad sounds. Various chromatic and achromatic percussion instruments as well as metal and glass objects were multisampled, piano strings treated with coins and lots of processed field recordings from around the globe recorded on trips during the last months are included in the 3,71 Gigabyte sample content.
Otherworldly electronic textures using mutlisampled software synths with sounds I made for this Bank and fascinating textures created with the incredible Metasynth are another important ingredient of Alchemistry Beyond.
Quite a few patches have 4 alternations (Round Robin) for more realism and expressiveness, some also use up to 3 velocity layers.
You can read/download the pdf-file with further instructions, more details, the licence agreement and a patchlist here.

This Bank contains 128 patches with 8 variations each in Alchemy's Remix Pad. All 8 Performance Controllers as well as both x/y-pads are assigned for each patch. The sounds are delivered as a RAR-archive split up into 5 parts for better download handling. The download size is 2,67 GB.

NOTE: This Sound Bank requires the full version of Alchemy.
It does not work with the Alchemy player version.

Price: 49.95 €

Product page

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What's next?

Thinking loud here:
After releasing Alchemistry Beyond for Alchemy some time next week I shall first concentrate on making/finishing a bunch of Absynth patches to be released on
A second volume of "Best of" is then due to be released on patchpool
After that it will be my second Zebra Bank I guess. Also I might release something for Turnado which is a great Multi FX by Sugarbytes.
From the vast amount of sample I made for Alchemistry Beyond I will probably make some derivates for Kontakt, especially all the violin samples would be very cool to have as Kontakt instruments.
More SoundPacks and single-wavs will be released as well.
Looking into the possibility to make video demos and trailers for patchpool as well.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Alchemistry Beyond - The finishing line...

I can feel it, the finishing line must be around the next corner. After almost 2 months of working on this new Bank almost every day, sometimes for 12 hours and more I now have over 100 patches with only +20 to go. My passion for sampling, resynthesizing and granulating known and unknown sounds has manifested itself on a new level in this work and I'm pretty happy and excited about it.
As I'll use these sounds in my own compositional work during the next months and years making a Bank like this is also like creating a new source of inspiration for myself, so the feeling I have right now is bit like on the day before christmas :)
I've dug deep into Alchemy's possibilities (and limitations) with my 2 Alchemy Banks, I really know this piece of software now and my list of improvement wishes is long, maybe a few of these requests will be made possible by Camel Audio in future versions.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

SoundPack Animals Vol 1

There is a new SoundPack available on patchpool:

SoundPack Animals Vol. 1
21 wav files - 525.9 MB unzipped - 48 Khz / 24 Bit - Price: 17.95 €

21 field recordings of frogs, ducklings, my cat Luise (she died some years ago), zoo ambiences with sounds of penguins, storks and exotic birds.

Product page

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July special - 3 SoundPacks for 21 Euros

Get 3 SoundPacks/LoopPacks of your choice for 21 €.
Select any of the SoundPacks/LoopPacks from the various categories, the 43 single-wavs are excluded form this offer. After your order has been processed you will receive a confirmation Email, just respond to that mail and tell me which SoundPacks you want. Please allow me a few hours to process your order.

Product page

Friday, May 27, 2011

Group Buy for Kontakt patches and libraries until June 20

Buy into this Group Buy for 21 Euros and choose you patches and libraries from the various categories listed below. You can receive your patches/libraries right away when buying into this Group Buy or you can wait until the campaign is over and receive them all at once. The download links will be sent manually to the Email address provided via paypal, you will receive a confirmation Email, please respond to that and tell me which patches/libraries you would like to have. Please allow me a few hours to process to your order.

Level 1 10 patches/libraries - 1 - 15 participants
Level 2 15 patches/libraries - 16 - 30 participants
Level 3 20 patches/libraries - 31 - 45 participants
Level 4 25 patches/libraries - 46 - 60 participants
+1 Bonus SoundPack Trains and Subways
Level 5 30 patches/libraries - 61 - 75 participants
Level 6 40 patches/libraries - 75 - 90 participants
+1 Bonus SoundPack or LoopPack of your choice
Level 7 all 49 patches/libraries - +90 participants

Product page

Monday, May 16, 2011

coming soon: Alchemistry Beyond - 128 patches for Alchemy

So I started working on a new Bank for Alchemy a few days ago:


This Bank will comprise a wide spectrum of unique sounds. A female vocalist and a violinist wil be hired to record unique source material using top notch Neumann microphones. Multisampled vocal and violin patches featuring known and unknown pad and phrase instruments, resynthed and granulated vocal and violin patches featuring conventional and unusal articulations processed with an array of FX Plug-Ins. Also many percussion instruments will be multisampled and lots of field recordings recorded during the last months will be included in the +2,5 Gigabyte sample content produced at 48 Khz/24 Bit. Otherworldly electronic textures using samples made or processed with the incredible Metasynth, crusherX and GRM tools will be another important ingredient of Alchemistry Beyond.
This Sound Bank will contain 128 patches with 8 variations each in Alchemy's Remix Pad. All 8 Performance Controllers as well as both x/y-pads will be assigned for each patch.
Release is planned for mid July and the final price for this Bank will be 39.95 €, you can pre-order it now for 30 € and save 25%.

Product page including a demo widget.

Thank's for reading

Friday, May 13, 2011

New SoundPack Trains and Subways

42 wav files - 831.4 MB unzipped - 36 wavs in 48 Khz/24 Bit and 6 wavs in 44.1 Khz/16 Bit - Price: 39.95 €

Collection of 42 wavs comprising Train and Subway sounds as well as station ambiences recorded in various countries like Japan, Russia, Germany, Taiwan and South Korea. Trains passing through stations at various speeds, arriving and departing trains, long subway rides with announcements, rattling old school trains (found in Russia), squeaking metal noises, ticket machines, steps, passemgers and escalators. This SoundPack will supply you with a great variety of sounds for post production and sound design.
Introductory offer until May 20:
Buy the SoudPack Trains and Subways and get one SoundPack of your choice for free. Here is the overview page with all the various categories.

Product page

Friday, April 22, 2011

Trip to Russia Part 2

For the next 3 weeks I'll be travelling Russia making sound recordings for a documentary film. So processing your orders on patchpool can take a bit longer than usual.

Over and out

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Meta Voices - Patch Collection for Kontakt 4

I just uploaded this patch collection:

Meta Voices
5 samples - 3 patches - 73,8 MB unzipped - 48 Khz/24 Bit - Price: 6,50 €
Samples are compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format - 2 Impulse Responses (wav)

This collection contains 3 patches made with processed female voices:
Evolution Vox
3 layered samples (looped), female singing straight notes processed in Melodyne and GRM Evolution, mapped from C0-C6. Each sample has it's own Group with modulated Volume and Band Reject Filter at different speeds so the patch is constantly moprhing. The Modwheel controls the Cutoff of the Lopwpass Filter. An Impulse Response made with the good old EMT 245 is active in the Convolution engine.

Female Cloudvoice
A strange and mysterious vocal Soundscape, 2:32 long, made from a Solo Soprano voice first totally mangled in crusherX and then processed with GRM Evolution, Bandpass and ValhallaRoom. Group 1 triggered by Keyswith A0 plays back that samplle in Sampler mode, control the sample start position with the Modwheel. Group 2 triggered by Keyswitch B0 plays in Time Machine 2 mode, control the sample speed with Midi Controller 21 and the sample start position with the Modwheel. Mapped from C0-C8. A long IR made with Aether Reverb is active in the Convolution engine.

Female Overtones
Female overtone singing processed in Metasynth resulting in a long synthetic, voicelike texture, 2 min long. Mapped from C0-C7. The sample is looped, control the sample start position with the Modwheel. A long IR made with Aether Reverb is active in the Convolution engine.

The demo was produced using 3 instances of Kontakt, each one playing a single patch inside Logic, no post-processing was applied.

Get it here

Monday, April 11, 2011

What's next on patchpool?

So what's next on patchpool? During this week I'll release my Razor Bank Spectral Territory.
After another 3-week-trip to Russia beginning friday next week which will take me through +10 russian cities and a few other countries together with a documentary-film-crew and the orchestra of the russian Marinsky-theatre, I will start working on a new Alchemy Bank in May. Actually I made the first patch for it today. It'll take longer than Alchemistry did, I'll hire some singers (male and female), a guitar player maybe (electric), a violinist, and make an extra-huge-128-patch-Bank, probably named Alchemistry 2. Pre-order for that Bank will start in May or so, maybe I'll even start this one with a Group Buy :help:
Second half of the year definitely another Zebra Bank and as a longer-term-project a Bank for Metasynth with all kinds of supporting files for this fantastic Instrument. All of this will be great fun and a lot of work indeed.
Thank's for reading

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New subscription scheme for Alchemy patches on patchpool

I just changed the scheme for the single Alchemy patches available on patchpool. It now runs on an unlimited subscription scheme, meaning that buying the subscription for currently 10 Euros will give you access to all current and future patches.
All former donators will automatically become subscribers without paying any additional fees.

Friday, March 25, 2011

coming soon: Razor Sound Bank Spectral Territory

64 unusual and exciting patches for Razor, a new Reaktor Instrument by Native Instruments. I will focus on creating cinematic Soundscapes, big drones, unheard solo instruments, some temposynced stuff and of course weird FX sounds. All patches will have the Modwheel and the Pitchbender assigned for expressive playability, many also use Aftertouch. +20 of my Snapshots didn't make it into the Razor Factory Library so I have a good basis to build on. There will be some variations as well, as some patches sound good with different settings of specific parameters.
The Bank should be ready by April 20 the latest, the final price will be 15.95 Euro. Pre-order now and save 20%. Please allow me a few hours to manually process your order.

Product Page

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Kontakt patch: Resonating Scape

Kontakt 4 - 132,1 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - Price: 6 €
1 long Soundscape and a processed derivate thereof divided into 8 segments - Samples are compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format

This patch uses a recording I made in a russian steelpipe factory. Some huge hammers banging on metal pipes. This recording was processed with Metasynth and the result furtherly processed with crusherX, Aether and Shimmer Reverb. The resulting sample was then processed again with Absynth FX pitched Supercombs and More Feedback Machine.
Both samples are mapped from C1-C6 (root key is D2) and are divided into 8 equal segments (looped), triggered by Keyswitches (C0-G0). The segments of the second sample can be faded in using the Modwheel, turning up the Modwheel will also reduce the volume of the first sample.. All segments have their dedicated Groups, which are all set to high Interpolation to reduce artifacts when extremely transposing the sample. This can cause CPU or Disk spikes depending on your system. In this case just swith the Interpolation (HQI) to "standard" in all groups.

In the live played demo all segments are used consecutively in various octaves, sometimes overlapping a bit by pressing a new keyswitch and triggering the next segment sound while holding the former sounds with the sustain pedal. The Modwheel fades the FX derivates (Sample 2) in and out.

Product Page

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Alchemistry Group Buy on patchpool

Alchemistry Group Buy March 23 - April 10, 11:59 pm
The regular price for Alchemistry is 33.95 €

To buy into this GB each participant pays a 15 Euro starting price. When the GB is over (or has reached Level 5) the difference to the final price is paid by each participant using the paypal adress which will be provided via Email, then the download links will be distributed. When Level 2 is reached all participants get access to the 29 locked Alchemy donationware patches on patchpool right away.
Please allow me a few hours to respond, all orders are processed manually.

Level 1
1-10 participants 10% reduction = 30,55 € final price

Level 2
11-20 participants 20% reduction = 27,16 € final price + bonus patches donationware

Level 3
21-30 participants 30% reduction = 23,76 € final price

Level 4
31-40 participants 40% reduction = 20,37 € final price

Level 5
50+ participants 50% reduction = 16,97 € final price

Product Page

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Endless Scape

For those of you working in the field of Film Post Production, Ambient Music or sound design here is the demo for a new single wav file which I made today using Reaktor, Aether Reverb and crusherX:
Endless Scape

It's the first single file on this product page
Fly away...

Kontakt patch CrusherX Pad released

CrusherX Pad
Kontakt 4 - 53,5 MB unzipped - 48 Khz/24 Bit - Price: 4,50 €
10 samples compressed using Kontakt 4's .ncw format - 1 Impulse Response made with Valhalla Shimmer Reverb

10 multisamples made with the tuned DCO in crusherX, mapped from C0-C6. There are 2 acvtive groups, group 1 playing in normal DFD mode and group 2 in Tone Machine mode. Group 2 can be faded in using the Modwheel.

Midi Script:
A customized Midi Script from the Factory Librar gives you control over:
Knob 1 - Amount of Saturation
Knob 2 - Sample speed in Tone Machine (Group 2)
Knob 3 - Amount of Convolution Reverb (long IR made with Shimmer Reverb)
Knob 3 - Amount of Phasing
Knob 5 - Phasing Speed
Knob 6 - Lowpass Filter Cutoff

To automize these knobs in your DAW simply open the Browser -> Auto Tab and drag Midi CC's to the desired knobs.

Product Page

Friday, March 18, 2011

Kontakt patches Pot Percussion Vol. 2 released

Pot Percussion Vol. 2
Kontakt 4 - 30,8 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - Price: 5 €
21 Potlid Samples - samples are compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format - 2 Impulse Responses (wav)

3 nki-patches using samples from an nice pot lid from my kitchen. Sampled with 3 Neumann mics (L-C-R).

Lid Side Pad looped - The looped decay phase of 6 potlid samples playing at the same time, the Modwheel controls the Attack time, turn it up to achieve soft attacks. A long Impulse Response made with SoundToys Echoboy and Aether Reverb is active in the Convolution Engine.

Lid Side soft mallets RR6 - Hitting the side of the potlid with soft mallets, 6x Round Robin. The Modwheel shortens the Decay Phase.

Lid soft mallets 3 vel RR5 - Hitting the center of the potlid with soft mallets - 3 velocity layers, 5x Round Robin. The Modwheel shortens the Decay Phase.

All 3 patches have a factory tuning script running for randomization of Midi and/or Audio pitches.

Product page

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Converting compressed Kontakt samples back to wav-files

Just a little tip, in case you want to use samples compressed in Kontakt 4's ncw format in other samplers:
Resave the patch including the samples as follows:
Click on the tool icon on the upper left,the GUI opens->choose save as-> "patch and samples" - untick the little box "compress samples"->determine a location other than the original folder->the samples will be saved in wav format and you can use them in your DAW or any other sampler.

Dark Land Vol. 2 - Patch Collection for Kontakt 4 released on patchpool

Dark Land Vol. 2
Kontakt 4 - 216.9 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - Price: 13.95 €
9 Soundscapes/Samples and 1 Impulse Response (wav) compressed using Kontakt 4's ncw format

This patch collection contains 9 recent Soundscapes made with Metasynth and array of FX Plug-Ins. Some of the textures are also sold as single wav files on patchpool, some were made exclusively for this collection.


Angelic Voices - Voices processed in Metasynth
Root Note: D3 - Mapping: C0-C7 - Modwheel -> HP Filter Cutoff
Keyswitches: A0 -> Sampler Mode, B0-> Time Machine 2 Mode
In Sampler Mode Midi Controller CC#21 determines the sample start point
In TM2 Mode Midi Controller CC#21 determines the sample speed
In both modes the sample is looped

Birdgongs Scape - Birds and Gongs intermodulated with Metasynth
Root note: C3 - Mapping: C0-C7 - Modwheel -> Sample Start Point, pressing the sustain pedal reverses the sample, sample is looped

Cosmic Storm Scape - Soundscape created in Metasynth
Root Note: C2 - Mapping: C0-C7 - Modwheel -> Sample Start Point, sample is looped

Dungeon Nightmare - Horrifying Soundscape with voices and rattling chains
Root Note: C2 - Mapping: C0-C7 - Modwheel -> Sample Start Point, Pitchbend 12 semitones, sample is looped

Lost Drone Texture - Drone Delight
Root Note: C2 - Mapping: C0-C7 - Modwheel -> Sample Start point, Pitchbend 12 semitones - sample is looped

Spectral Nightmare - Spectral Experiments with Metasynth
Root Note: C3 - Mapping: C0-C7 - Modwheel -> Sample Start Point, Pitchbend 12 semitones, sample is not looped

Stretched Combs - Saturated tonal Soundscape
Root Note C2 - Mapping: C0-C8 - Modwheel -> Lowpass Filter Cutoff
A long Impulse Response made with Aether Reverb and SoundToys Echo Boy is active in the Convolution Engine

Twilight Zone - long Soundscape made with Soprano Sax sounds processed with Reaktor
The Soundscape is divided into 11 segments triggered by keyswitches (C0-Bb0)
Root Note: C3 - Mapping: C1-C7 - Modwheel -> Saturation, Pitchbend 12 semitones
A long Impulse Response made with Aether Reverb and SoundToys Echo Boy is active in the Convolution Engine< Warped Metal Scape - processed sounds from a russian car factory Sample Root: C3 - Mapping: C-1 - C7, Modwheel -> Sample Start Point, Pressing the sustain pedal reverses the sample, Pitchbend 12 semitones, sample is looped (forwards-backwards)

No post processing was applied to any of the demos, what you hear is what you get...
Product Page

Friday, February 25, 2011

Trip to Russia

I just wanted to make an announcement to all patchpool customers:
During the next 2 weeks I'll be travelling through Russia collecting sounds/field recordings for a cinema-documentary so processing your orders could take a bit longer than usual as I will probably only be online in the mornings and during the later evenings. But I will try to keep everything up and running as fast as possible.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

SoundPack Alien Sci-Fi Textures now available on patchpool

17 electronic state of the art Sci-Fi textures in pristine quality. Usable for Science Fiction movies, Science Clips, Video Games and Computer tones.

Product page

Friday, February 11, 2011

Preset Bank Glitchmania for Stutter Edit released on patchpool

15 thematic snapshot-sets with +40 (3-4 octaves) snapshots each ranging from temposynced madness for glitching up loops and beats to otherworldy electronic textures for processing instruments, vocals and synths. Read/download a pdf-file with more info, content description and the licence agreement here.

The price for Glitchmania is 15.95 Euros.

Product page with a Soundcloud demo widget.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sound Bank Best of released on patchpool

This Sound Bank is the first "best of"-collection of sounds Simon programmed for Absynth 5 and published on his website since Decembre 2009.
The sounds included in this Bank cover a wide range of ambient Soundscapes, Pads, Drones and more experimental sounds as you can hear in the demos. Many of the patches are sample based and make use of the new features introduced in Absynth 5 which are the Cloudfilter, Aetherizer, Super Comb and Filter Feedback.
Most patches have many if not all available Macros assigned, you can find more detailed infos about each patch, the licence agreement and installation instructions in the pdf.
This Sound Bank contains 903 Megabyte of wav samples recorded and produced at 48Khz/24 Bit.

NOTE: This Sound Bank requires Absynth 5, the patches will not load in any previous version.

The price for this Sound Bank is 14.95 €, after your purchase you will receive the download links for the RAR-file (603 MB download size in total).
Processing your order can take a few hours as this is performed manually.

Product Page including a Soundcloud demo widget.

Monday, January 17, 2011

coming soon: Preset Bank Glitchmania for Stutter Edit

I didn't plan this but this Plug-In rocks and I immediately started programming a collection of Banks after opening the demo for the first time.

10 Banks with +40 (3-4 octaves) snapshots each ranging from temposynced madness for glitching up loops and beats to otherworldy electronic textures for processing instruments, vocals and synths.

Release date will be be between February 10-15, the final price being 15.95 €. Pre-order now for 12.75 € and save +20%.

Product page including a Soundcloud demo widget.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New SoundPack Experimental Cello available on patchpool

There is a new SoundPack available on
SoundPack Experimental Cello
41 experimental cello sounds in wav-format available on
Mostly dry stereo sounds without additional effects recorded with 3 Neumann mics (L-C-R). Some files are also processed with various Granulators, Delay and Reverb Plug-Ins.
Great collection for sound design, post production and music.
Recorded and produced at 48 Khz/24 Bit
This SoundPack contains 41 wav files (292,2 MB unzipped) - Price: 21,95 €
Product page

Now released on patchpool: Preset Bank Edgy Scapes for u-he's Filterscape

So I just released this Preset Bank:

Edgy Scapes will spice up Loops, Keyboards, Pads and Instruments creating mostly rhythmical and temposynced textures but also some weird and unpredicatble stuff, great for soundscapes and electronic effects. I programmed the presets by inserting the Plug-In directly on the instrument track so if you're planning to use the Plug on a Bus you might want to adjust the overall output level and delay mix setting to taste. Many patches use the envelope follwer, depending on the level and structure of the input signal you might have to adjust the settings in the enveloper section. Some patches are self resonating and can cause feedback loops depending on the input signal, I marked these in the patchlist.
Product page
View/download the pdf with more info and the pachlist here