Saturday, July 2, 2016

Interactive Patchpool Summer Sale

For the next 3 weeks through July 25th, let's have an interactive patchpool sale with the following rules:

Single item tiers
  • If 3 people or more vote for a single item (not bundle), that item will be discounted at 15%.
  • If 6+ people vote for a single item, that item will be discounted at 20%.
  • If 9+ people vote for a single item, that item will be discounted at 25%
  • If 12+ people vote for a single item, that item will be discounted at 30%.
  • If 15+ people vote for a single item, that item will be discounted at 35%.

Bundle tiers
  • If 4 people or more vote for a bundle, that item will be discounted at 10%.
  • If 8 people or more vote for a bundle, that item will be discounted at 15%.
  • If 12 people or more vote for a bundle, that item will be discounted at 20%.

As soon as a tier has been reached, I will change the prices on the website and announce it in this thread.

If an item/bundle receives a further discount after you have purchased it, I shall re-imburse the price difference to the buyer via paypal which is a one-click procedure. That way people don't have to wait until the sun goes down to obtain their favorite sound- and sample library, sample pack, soundset or preset expansion.

Please note:
Excluded from this offer are renewals of existing subscriptions (Iris / Kaleidoscope), the pre-order for Transformed Reality for MXXX and discount on discounts (-> Falcon Singles). The maximum discount for the Iris subscription will be 20%.

Please cast your votes in this KVR thread (e.g. “I vote for x/y“), you can vote for as many items as you like, one vote per item only.

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