Saturday, July 23, 2016

Transformed Reality for MXXXCore released on patchpool

Transformed Reality for MXXXCore contains 114 creative patches including 24 variations for transforming your sonic reality. From granular soundscape-generators to animated gates and dancing filters, from ethereal texture-izers to dark and brooding drone-makers, from warped spaces and tempo-synced delay patches to creamy unison pad-ifiers, from granular stutter mayhem to beautiful harmonic ambiences, whatever reality you feed into these presets will be transformed in a very musical, interesting and useful way, occasionally creating bizarre and surreal sounds you might not have heard before.

All patches are programmed 100% wet, so they can be inserted on a buss (or bus, the spelling seems to be undecided here) and have between 4 - 16 labelled Macros assigned which are accessible on the "easy"-page in MXXXCore, often the Macros and switches are sorted in panels. The presets are fully tagged and have more or less elaborate descriptions attached which can also be found in the patch-list below.

Please refer to the system requirements below to learn which effect modules were used to create these patches (and are needed to use them). These patches will of course also work in the full version of MXXX.

  • 114 patches (including 24 variations)
  • Installation: manual
  • Delivery: e-mail attachment
  • Price: € 33 EUR
Patch Categories
  • TR Morph - Vocoder (12 + 3 variations)
  • TR Rhythmical (26 + 4 variations)
  • TR Soundscapes (29 + 10 variations)
  • TR Spaces (23 + 7 variations)
MXXXCore system requirements:
  • MAutoDynamic EQ
  • MMultiBand Bit Fun
  • MMultiBand Chorus
  • MMultiBand Comb
  • MMultiBand Convolution
  • MMultiBand Delay
  • MMultiBand Granular
  • MMultiBand Harmonizer
  • MultiBand Ring Modulator
  • MMultiBand Wave Shaper
  • MMulti Band Reverb
  • MMorph
  • MStereo Spread
  • MTransform
  • MUnison
  • Vocoder
  • MWobbler


Product page.


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Interactive Patchpool Summer Sale

For the next 3 weeks through July 25th, let's have an interactive patchpool sale with the following rules:

Single item tiers
  • If 3 people or more vote for a single item (not bundle), that item will be discounted at 15%.
  • If 6+ people vote for a single item, that item will be discounted at 20%.
  • If 9+ people vote for a single item, that item will be discounted at 25%
  • If 12+ people vote for a single item, that item will be discounted at 30%.
  • If 15+ people vote for a single item, that item will be discounted at 35%.

Bundle tiers
  • If 4 people or more vote for a bundle, that item will be discounted at 10%.
  • If 8 people or more vote for a bundle, that item will be discounted at 15%.
  • If 12 people or more vote for a bundle, that item will be discounted at 20%.

As soon as a tier has been reached, I will change the prices on the website and announce it in this thread.

If an item/bundle receives a further discount after you have purchased it, I shall re-imburse the price difference to the buyer via paypal which is a one-click procedure. That way people don't have to wait until the sun goes down to obtain their favorite sound- and sample library, sample pack, soundset or preset expansion.

Please note:
Excluded from this offer are renewals of existing subscriptions (Iris / Kaleidoscope), the pre-order for Transformed Reality for MXXX and discount on discounts (-> Falcon Singles). The maximum discount for the Iris subscription will be 20%.

Please cast your votes in this KVR thread (e.g. “I vote for x/y“), you can vote for as many items as you like, one vote per item only.