Flagolet Guitar
Kontakt 4 - 66.6 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 4 nkis/Instruments
38 Samples compressed using Kontakt's ncw format - 2 Impulse Responses
Price: 7.50 €
This soundset contains 4 guitar flagolet patches played on an acoustic western guitar and sampled in L-C-R using 3 high quality Neumann microphones. These samples and their electronic derivatives were originally produced for my Alchemy Bank Warped Strings.
There are 4 instruments/nkis available:
3 Flago Chords Split XFade
3 flagolet chords plucked with the fingernail and their electronic derivatives split across the keyboards:
- Chord 1 - C0 - B1 - root note E1
- Chord 2 - C2 - B3 - root note E3
- Chord 3 - C4 - C6 - root note E5
The Modwheel crossfades between the pure flagolet samples and their electronic derivatives. You can reverse the samples using the keyswitch B-1, the default setting for normal playback is A-1.
A modified script from the factory library gives you control over:
- Knob 1 - Attack
- Knob 2 - Release
- Knob 3 - Lowpass Filter Cutoff
- Knob 4 - Temposynced Filter Modulation
- Knob 5 - Modulation Speed
- Knob 6 - Convo Reverb Mix, an Impulse Response made with good old EMT245 is creating the reverbration
- Knob 7 - Chorus Mix
- Knob 8 - Chorus Speed
Pitchbend is set to +2/-2 semitones.
4 Coin Flago Chords Split XFade
4 Flagolet chords and their 4 electronic derivates plucked with a coin (Euro) split across the keyboard.
- Chord 1 - C0 - G#1 - root E1
- Chord 2 - A1 - D#3 - root E2
- Chord 3 - E3 - G#4 - root B3
- Chord 4 - A4 - C7 - root B5
The Modwheel crossfades between the pure flagolet samples and their electronic derivatives. You can reverse the samples using the keyswitch B-1, the default setting for normal playback is A-1.
A modified script from the factory library gives you control over:
- Knob 1 - Attack
- Knob 2 - Release
- Knob 3 - Lowpass Filter Cutoff
- Knob 4 - Low EQ, middle position->no change
- Knob 5 - Reverb Mix
- Knob 6 - Amount of Convolution Reverb, an Impulse Response I made using the B2 Plug-In is creating the reverbration
- Knob 7 - Flanger Mix
- Knob 8 - Flanger Speed
Pitchbend is set to +2/-2 semitones.
Flago 6strings RR2 2Vel
Flagolet samples on 6 strings (3rd position) plucked with the fingernail with 2 velocity layers and 2X Round Robin, Range: C0 - C6
The Modwheel adds pitch modulation/vibrato.
A modified script from the factory library gives you control over:
- Knob 1 - Attack
- Knob 2 - Release
- Knob 3 - Lowpass Filter Cutoff
- Knob 4 - Saturation Amount
- Knob 5 - Stereo Phasing
- Knob 6 - Amount of Convolution Reverb, an Impulse Response I made using the B2 Plug-In is creating the reverbration
- Knob 7 - Chorus Mix
- Knob 8 - Chorus Speed
Pitchbend is set to +2/-2 semitones.
Flago E2 RR2 2Vel
Flagolet samples played on the low E-String (3rd position) - 2 velocities, 2X Round Robin
A modified script from the factory library gives you control over:
- Knob 1 - Attack
- Knob 2 - Release
- Knob 3 - Lowpass Filter Cutoff
- Knob 4 - velocitiy to filter cutoff, reduce the filer cutoff and then dial in knob 4 to control the cutoff with the velocity
- Knob 5 - Aftertouch to pitch, nice for expressive little glissandi
- Knob 6 - Amount of Convolution Reverb, an Impulse Response made with my good old EMT245 is creating the reverbration
- Knob 7 - Flanger Mix
- Knob 8 - Flanger Speed
Pitchbend is set to +2/-2 semitones.
Note: All customers of Warped Strings for Alchemy can get this item for free, just contact me and I will send you the download link.
The demo was produced improvising with one instance of Kontakt, no post processing was applied apart from a Limiter on the Master Outputs.
Product page
Surreal Snippets
Kontakt 4 - 33.2 MB unzipped - 48Khz/24Bit/stereo - 1 nki/Instrument
5 Samples compressed using Kontakt's ncw format
Price: 4.50 €
This patch uses 5 instrumental snippets recorded during an improvisation wih several musicians and originally belongs to my Alchemy Bank Alchemistry Beyond. These snippets were later processed with various tools and all are split across the keyboard:
- Snippet 01 Cello - mapped from C-2 - F1, root note F1
- Snippet 02 Cello - mapped from F#1- B2, root note F2
- Snippet 03 Cello Doppler - mapped from C3- F4, root note F3
- Snippet 04 Squeaks and Cello - mapped from F#4 - B5, root note D5
- Snippet 05 Squeaks and Drone Doppler - mapped from C6 - G8, root note D#7
The Modwheel moves the sample playhead to the right and slightly increases attack time to avoid clicking. A modified Midi script from the Factory Library gives you control over:
- Knob 1 - Attack
- Knob 2 - Release
- Knob 3 - Amplitude Modulation
- Knob 3 - Modulation Speed
- Knob 5 - Lowpass Filter Cutoff
- Knob 6 - Amount of Stereo Delay
Pitchbend is set to +2/-2 semitones.
Note: All customers of Alchemistry Beyond can get this item for free, just contact me and I will send you the download link.
The demo was produced improvising with one instance of Kontakt, no post processing was applied apart from a Limiter on the Master Outputs.
Product page