Friday, April 20, 2012

ChromaZone review

WSM (Wusik Sound Magazine) published a review of my ChromaZone soundset yesterday, author: Jeffrey Powell. Read it here.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Annual subscription for Iris presets

This again was a totally spontaneous decision, after iZotope released Iris yabout 36 hours ago. I immediately dived into making presets and experiments as I'm quite fascinated and inspired by this Plug-In. As I don't have the time right now to make a full preset Bank I just setup a subscription page for Iris presets:

Get the annual subscription for my Iris presets for currently 15 Euros. The more patches I post, the higher the subscription price will be. Whenever I find the time I will create and upload smaller patch collections and send out the download links to all subscribers.
All samples involved are embedded in the presets using the "Export"-function in the Iris Browser. Just create a folder in your Iris Library named "patchpool" and drag the downloaded patches inside that folder to access the presets.


Set 1 uploaded on April 19 - 2012 containing 6 presets (124.8 MB) including:
Deep Dragger Groove - 2 Macros
In the Zoo - Split - 3 Macros
Piano Hammers
Sax Patch (see video below)
Spectral Wonderland (demo below)
Tam Tam Pad

Current price: 15 €

Subscription page

Some videos:

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Kontakt Patch: Vocal Scape

This patch combines 4 mysterious samples/soundscapes produced by processing male and female voices with various apps and Plug-Ins. The samples are layered in pairs, split-point is C3.

Each layer (consisting of 2 samples) has it's designated control knobs for Attack, Release and Volume control. Each sound is also modulated by a LFO-driven Bandreject Filter, there are control knobs for modulation amount and modulation speed, turning up the LFO speed fully will create interesting ringmodulation-like effects. The inverted Modwheel controls the Cutoff of a Lowpass Filter.

FX section:
There is a Chorus and a Delay active in the FX section, bypass switches are available for both of them. The Chorus has 3 control knobs for Speed, Depth and Send amount. The Delay also has 3 control knobs for Time, Feedback and Send amount.

Product page

The demo was produced improvising with one instance of Kontakt tweaking some of the available controls, no post processing was applied.

Monday, April 2, 2012

New Kontakt Instruments: Prepared Guitar

Here comes the second excerpt from Warped Strings for Alchemy for Kontakt - the Prepared Guitars. All Warped Strings-customers can get this item for free, just contact me via patchpool and I'll send you the download link.

The two contained patches use 36 multisamples from Warped Strings. For these instruments the A and G strings of an acoustic Western Guitar were prepared with various objects and multisampled with 3 velocity layers and 6x Round Robin (variations per sampled note).

A modified Midi script from the Fatory Library gices you control over:

Knob 1 - Attack
Knob 2 - Release
Knob 3 - Amount of Aftertouch controlling the pitch, good for expressive vibrati and bends
Knob 3 - Saturation amount
Knob 5 - Chorus Mix
Knob 6 - Reverb Mix (Kontakt's algorithmic Reverb)
Pitchbend is set to +2/-2 semitones
Modwheel adds vibrato

Price: 5 €
Product page

Demo improvising with 2 instance of Kontakt each one playing one of the patches, no post-processing: