Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Now released on patchpool: Sound Bank Alchemistry for Alchemy

One aspect of this Sound Bank focusses on the interior of known and unknown sounds, deconstructing and rebuilding their harmonic structure by resynthesizing them and then manipulating their spectrals. It also focusses on multisampled instruments and granular madness. The source material is derived from found and often processed everyday objects and field recordings but also from electronics, musical instruments and voices. You will find cinematic soundscapes, drones, otherworldly textures, rhythmical sequences, chromatic and achromatic percussion instruments, ethereal pads as well as real and unreal instruments.
All samples were especially produced for this Bank, a french horn player and a cellist were hired to produce the instrumental samples, the other instruments were played by myself. The library contains 1,31 Gigabyte of wav samples produced at 48Khz/24 Bit and 489,3 MB of resynthed sound data, the extra sample folder contains 236,1 MB of wav samples. There are 100 patches with 8 variations each in Alchemys Remix Pad. All 8 Performance Controllers as well as both x/y-pads are assigned for each patch. All the patches from this Bank are also available as Kore-files (ksds) and the Controller assignment and Remix-Pad Snapshots are available in Kore. Read/view the pdf-file with further instructions, the licence agreement and a patchlist here.
The price for this Sound Bank is 32.95 €, after your purchase you will receive the download links for the 4 RAR-files (1386 MB download size in total).
Product page

Demo Set on Soundcloud